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Our mission and our values demonstrate who we are and flow from what we believe.

Our Mission

We proclaim Jesus Christ to everyone to present everyone mature in him.


We Proclaim Jesus Christ

The good news that Jesus has opened up the way for sinners to be forgiven and loved by God forever is the most important news anyone can ever know. We never tire of hearing about God’s grace toward us. Whether it’s in our singing, our prayers, or our preaching, we aim to make a really big deal about Jesus.


To Everyone

We desire that everyone would come to know Jesus Christ. He is the focal point of our fellowship in our Sunday meetings and Community Groups, and our passion is to reach as many people as possible with the good news about Him. We plan together, pray together, and work together to tell our friends, our co-workers, our neighbors, and even people in other countries about Christ and him crucified.


To Present Everyone Mature In Him

We believe that the gospel is not only the message that we need to believe to be reconciled to God, but it is also the fuel that energizes us to grow to be more like Jesus. We aim to be and make disciples who increasingly trust and follow Jesus.

Who We Are

We believe that the gospel is not only the message that we need to believe in order to be reconciled to God, it is also the fuel which energizes us to grow to be more like Jesus. We aim to be and make disciples who increasingly trust and follow Jesus. Discover more about our church family here at Living Hope!

Here's What We Value as a Church

The core values of any organization reflect who they are and what they believe. At Living Hope Church, we have seven core values we share with the churches of Sovereign Grace Churches.


We believe that the gospel—the good news of God’s saving activity in Jesus Christ—is the pinnacle of His redemptive acts, the center of the Bible’s story, and the essential message for our faith, life, and witness. We are committed to preaching the gospel, singing the gospel, praying the gospel, counseling out of the gospel, and building our churches upon the gospel.


Scripture presents the all-glorious, triune God as the source and end of all things, sovereignly working all things according to His will. At the center of God’s purposes in the world is the exaltation of His glory through the redemption of sinners. God’s sovereign grace in salvation humbles us, fills us with gratitude, and compels us to worship him and share the message of His grace to all people.


We believe the Holy Spirit desires to continually fill each believer with increased power for Christian life and witness, including the giving of His supernatural gifts for the building up of the church and for various works of ministry in the world.


We believe it was God’s glorious plan to create men and women in His image, giving them equal dignity and value in His sight, while appointing differing and complementary roles for them within the home and the church. The church has a unique opportunity and responsibility to celebrate this complementarity, to contend for it against cultural hostility, and to protect it from sinful distortions.


Our gospel-centrality entails not only treasuring the gospel personally but sharing it passionately. The risen Christ commissioned His church to make disciples of all nations. We believe that commission falls to us and to all believers and that it is fulfilled in a primary way through church planting, whereby the gospel is proclaimed and converts are formed into communities of disciples.


Churches don’t thrive in a vacuum but require the prayer and support that come as they partner with other churches within Sovereign Grace.


Jesus Christ reigns as head over His church, and he gives to His church elders (or pastors) to govern and lead local churches under His authority.


We enjoy a rich relationship with the churches of Sovereign Grace Churches worldwide. We also partner with other organizations that further the gospel mission.